Ann Pham - Get Fit Studio
How/what did you start your business?
Get Fit was my husband's baby before he became my husband. I joined him at first as a labor of love and the rest is history!
What inspires you?
We're constantly inspired by our clients. Their persistence to reach their goals gives us purpose!
What motivates you?
My husband's passion for his work.
What are you most proud of?
I believe we've built an amazing community among our clients through our devotion to each one of them.
Tell us something that folks wouldn't know about you?
Breakfast food is our favorite!
Tell us about a time you overcame a challenge?
Being closed for 4 months during the pandemic! We were able to pivot quickly and get virtual services up and running within a week. The entire staff had to rethink and rework training methods to accommodate our clients and still meet their needs.
How do you overcome adversity?
By staying true to who we are and continuing to do what we know is right.
What advice would you give someone who wants to start their own business?
Know that the days are long and rewards are far from near but if you are passionate about what you do, it's worth it!