Larry Walston - Common Plate Hospitality (Augie’s Mussel House, Mason Social, Urbano 116)


How/what did you start your business?

We launched Mason Social in 2015, a contemporary American restaurant in Alexandria. On the back of the success of Mason Social we decided to expand the restaurant group in 2018 with Mexican concept Urbano 116 and Augie’s Mussel House and Beer Garden. These exciting restaurants blend both innovative architectural design, creative culinary offerings and craft bar programs to create a full experience for their guests. 

What inspires you?

Every day is a new challenge and different. Being able to solve those problems and still maitain the end goal is a huge driving factor.

What are you most proud of?

On a personal level it's definitely my family, they have always been supportive in all of my ventures. From a business side, it's the ability to fill a void in the community and having people becoming receptive of that.

Tell us something that folks wouldn't know about you?

A true baseball fan, played a little bit in college.  Go Hokies!

Tell us about a time you overcame a challenge?

See below, every day is a challenge

How do you overcome adversity?

Seems cliché but surround yourself with positive people with the same mindset, drive and ambition. Together you can overcome many obstacles.

What advice would you give someone who wants to start their own business?

There will be many outside distractions telling you reasons why you shouldn’t do this or do that…you have to believe in your concept, vision and most importantly yourself to achieve your goals. 

Megan Podolsky